My Account:
TEXT A TAXI ON 0226 892 531
Terms of use
BlackCab.Co.NZ (BC) is an on-demand rideshare service which allows customers to book a ride between specified points within the Service Area. Rides are paid for online.
Terms of Use
These Terms of Use (“Terms”) detail your rights and obligations for use of the BC service. You agree to be bound by them immediately upon your successful registration to use BC via the online booking system. Upon registration, you also agree that you (and anyone else using the BC via your membership) will comply with these terms.
To the extent of any inconsistency between these Terms and the other terms and conditions, these Terms shall prevail in relation to BCl.
“Account Application Form” means the aggregate of the data collection screens that you complete upon registration for the use of BC
“BC” means Black Cab Co NZ
“BC Account” means your BC Account that you have registered with BC via the BC Website to use BC and all the associated transactions or other activity that is recorded using your BC Account ID Information;
“BC Account ID Information” means the username and password that you provide on registration for the use of BC.
“BC website” means the website that has been established to provide more information to the customers about BC https://www.blackcab.co.nz
“Documentation” means any printed and electronic document or documentation (if any) provided to you in connection with BC by BC, including but not limited to these Terms.
“Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA)” means the estimated time it will take for the vehicle to be at the pick-up location.
“Intellectual Property Rights” means a proprietary or personal right arising from intellectual activity in the business, industrial, scientific or artistic fields. It includes copyright, trademark, design, patent, semiconductor or circuit layout rights, trade, trade and service mark rights, business or Company Names, trade secrets, confidential or other proprietary rights, or any rights to registration of such rights whether created before or after the date of these Terms and whether existing in New Zealand or otherwise;
“Licence” means the license to use BC within these Terms;
“Ride” means a journey using the BC service;
“Ride Fare” means the fare payable for each Ride. Ride Fares are published and updated on the BC website from time to time;
“Ride Proposal” means a proposed trip including details such as pick up location, drop off location, schedule time and date of schedule Ride, expected time of arrival of the Ride, number of seats, and Ride Fare that is presented to you in your reservation confirmation;
“Service Area” means the operational area where on-demand transport services are available.
You must register to use BCl via the website online..
BC may refuse to register an BC Account with you if you have had a previous BC Account suspended or terminated or for any other reason at BC’s sole discretion.
Use of your BC Account
You agree to update your BC Account to reflect any changes in your details, name, contact telephone number or payment details immediately upon the occurrence of such a change. You accept full responsibility for ensuring that the information in your BC Account is up-to-date and accurate.
You are not permitted to disclose your BC Account ID Information to any third party and in doing so (to the fullest extent permitted by law), you relieve BC of any liability it may or may not have to you in respect of any breach of misuse of your confidential information through the use of your BC Account ID Information by any third party (including any liability for any activity on your BC Account).
You agree to notify BC immediately of any unauthorized use of your BC Account ID Information immediately upon becoming aware of such use.
You may delete your BC Account at any time by contacting BC Customer Support online.
You must not modify or use the BC service in a manner that is illegal or interferes with the reasonable enjoyment or use of BC & related services by any other party.
Inactive BC Accounts:
If your BC Account has been inactive for a continuous period of no less than 12 months BC may, at its discretion, deem the BC Account to be inactive.
At that point, BC may attempt to contact you via email or other means as it may deem appropriate.
If BC is unable to contact you, after a further period of no less than 3 months, your BC Account may be closed and disabled. If your BC Account is closed or disabled, your BC Account will not be able to be used to book BC rides or pay Ride Fares.
Transaction Details
All transaction details and other details recorded as a result of you using your BC Account will be recorded and retained by BC and/or its suppliers.
Request a Ride
BC allows you to schedule a Ride in the future. Once you request or schedule a Ride, payment can be made. You need to make payment to have your Ride confirmed.
You are solely responsible for ensuring the number of passengers (“your passengers”), pick up time, pick up and drop off locations in your Ride request are correct and accurate. If you do not indicate the correct number of passengers at the time of booking, the BC driver will refuse to carry any additional passengers.
You must make sure you and your passengers are at the pick-up location at least two (2) minutes prior to the expected time of arrival of the BC vehicle. If you are required to walk to the pick-up location, it will be clearly indicated by your BC Driver. If there is more than one passenger travelling, please make sure that your group has a responsible person to organise your group.
BC may substitute an alternative vehicle to provide the BC service if deemed necessary at BC’s discretion.
BC will endeavour to meet the requested pick up times. If circumstances beyond BC’s control arise, BC will not be liable should any delay result.
BC does not allow any itinerary changes.
Payment Terms and Fares
All payments of the Ride Fare must be made at time of booking. Credit Cards are also accepted.
All passengers are required to abide by the NZTA Road Rules while riding in the vehicle.
BC offers the some concessions. For more information about fares and discounts, please visit BC’s website.
BC may offer various features and rates. The promotion can only be used with BC and are subjected to their stated conditions and expiration date. It is your responsibility to fully understand the rates and conditions for the promotion codes you use.
Any refunds will be processed in accordance with BC Terms of Use.
Cancellation Policy
You may cancel a Ride-on occasion if unforeseen circumstances arise prior to the BC vehicle arriving to pick you up. If you repeatedly cancel the Rides, BC reserves the right to suspend your BC Account with immediate effect.
“No-show” Policy
A “no-show” is if you and your passengers are not present at the pick-up location and time designated in your Ride Reservation.
If you are not at the pick-up location due to a vehicle arrival delay, BC will not consider it as a “no-show” if the vehicle arrives more than five (5) minutes later than the expected time of arrival for your Ride (without prior notification by text or call)
If you repeatedly incur “no-shows”, BC reserves the right to suspend your BC Account with immediate effect.
Cleaning and Damage
Additional Cleaning/Damage: You will be responsible for paying for the repair of any damage you cause to an BC vehicle beyond ordinary and reasonable wear and tear, including any reasonable cleaning costs or fees.
You may be responsible for paying any reasonable cleaning costs or fees required as a result of you soiling a BC vehicle.
Eligibility and Conditions of Carriage
Children under five (5) years old must be accompanied by a parent, guardian or other responsible adult who is over the age of 18 and who has paid a full adult Ride Fare (unless a concession applies). The booking for such a Ride must be made by the parent, guardian or responsible adult via his or her BC Account.
Travel with small children: You are responsible for providing and installing a child car seat securely in the rear of the vehicle for each child taking the Ride before the start of the Ride and removing it at the end of the Ride.
Children between five (5) years old and 15 years old may travel unaccompanied. The booking for such a Ride must be made by the parent, guardian or responsible adult via his or her BC Account.
You may not use BC if your BC Account has been suspended.
Refusal to carry: The driver of a BC vehicle is entitled to refuse to carry any person or to seek to remove them from the vehicle if:
The person is intoxicated, under the influence of illegal drugs, unhygienic, or behaving in a manner which is dangerous or offensive to the driver or other passengers, or who refuses to obey a reasonable request made by a driver in the circumstances;
The person is in possession of, playing, listening to or viewing material that is offensive to the driver or other passengers;
The person is accompanied by an unapproved animal (other than a guide dog or other assistance dog);
The person smokes cigarettes, uses any other electronic smoking device (including a vaping device), drinks alcohol or possesses and uses illegal drugs in the vehicle; and/or
The person is carrying a weapon or any noxious or illegal substance such as fuel containers and/or gas cylinders, explosives, corrosive or similar items in the vehicle.
BC is unable to offer accessible vehicles for mobility-impaired customers.
The BC brand and logo are trademarks owned by BC and BC has a licence to operate the BC technology.
Licence Rights: BC grants to you and you accept, a non-transferable and non-exclusive right to use, without the right to sub-licence, BC and the BC Webpage subject to the following terms:
You have registered to use BC and maintain a current BC Account with BC
You acknowledge that BC has full right to alter the BC webpage, features or functionality from time to time as it deems appropriate and will publish appropriate release information in relation to such modifications; and
You acknowledge and agree your right to use BC Account may be revoked by the termination of these Terms.
Restrictions of Use: You will not and will not allow any third party to use BC for any purpose other than to facilitate a Ride.
Title: Title to and ownership of BC Website shall remain with BC and its suppliers.
Other than to the extent of the licence granted hereunder, no licence, right or interest in any BC trademarks, service marks or trade names is granted to you under these Terms.
Termination and Suspension
BC may suspend or terminate your BC Account with immediate effect:
if you misuse the BC service in any way deemed inappropriate by BC
if you misuse your BC Account or your BC Account is misused by a third party, including any fraudulent activity; or
if you breach any of these Terms; or
for any other reason at BC’s sole discretion.
If BC suspends your BC Account:
the suspension will remain in force for such period as BC may direct; and
BC may require the payment of a reasonable administration fee and impose such other terms as BC deems necessary or desirable as a condition of reactivation of a suspended BC Account.
This agreement between yourself and BC in respect of the use of BC services may be terminated by you having provided seven (7) days’ notice to BC via the website that you wish to close your BC Account.
Termination or cancellation of these Terms for any reason, does not affect any other rights or remedies available to either you or BC which arose at or before the end of the termination of the agreement.
Notification Services
BC may communicate with you by telephone call, email, text message or posting a notice on the BC Website. On occasion, the BC service provider may wish to contact you in relation to the BC service, for example, to arrange the return of lost property or notify you of any disruptions.
Text Messages.
BC will not charge you for text message notifications it sends to you but your telecommunications provider may charge you for the transmission or receipt of text messages.
You acknowledge that text messages are not always guaranteed to be delivered and that BC cannot be held responsible for their successful delivery unless it is shown that the text message failed to be delivered due to a fault with the BC Website.
You indemnify BC against all actions, proceedings, claims, liabilities, penalties, costs (including legal costs on a solicitor and own client basis), awards, damages, losses and expenses arising directly or indirectly as a result of:
you fail to comply with any of these Terms;
you breach these Terms or a third party breaching these Terms using your BC Account and/or your BC Account ID Information; or
your negligent or wilful acts or omissions.
Your liability under these Terms is reduced to the extent that it can be shown that BC has contributed to such loss, damage or liability.
BC Customer Service
You may contact BC in respect of any aspect of BC Services:
By feedback on BC’s Website
By email to blackcabnz@gmail.com
By telephone – 0274865706
Online – www.blackcab.co.nz
By mail – 500 Tairua Road, Whangamata, 3691
Where BC collects personal information from or about you in order to provide you with an BC Account For an explanation of our practices and policies relating to the collection, use, and storage of your personal information, please refer to the BC Privacy Policy, which forms part of these Terms.
Limited warranty, liability and disclaimer
BC makes no representation to you about the availability of BC services. If BC is not available, you are advised to seek transport alternatives.
There may be scheduled maintenance of BC Website from time to time, which will be notified in advance.
BC does NOT warrant that:
the BC Website & Booking System are error-free;
BC Booking System will be uninterrupted or will not result in loss of data;
the BC Booking System will function correctly on your particular equipment (personal computer, smartphone or otherwise).
a Ride will start at the expected time of arrival or be completed within a particular journey time.
Consumer Guarantees Act: Nothing in these Terms is intended to avoid the provisions of the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 except to the extent permitted by that Act, or to exclude liability arising under any other statute, if and to the extent that such liability cannot be lawfully excluded, and these Terms will be modified to the extent necessary to give effect to that intention. If you acquire any goods or services from us for the purposes of a business you agree that the guarantees and remedies provided in the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 will not apply.
Indirect Losses: To the maximum extent permitted by law, BC (and our respective employees, contractors, and agents) will not be liable (in contract, tort, or otherwise) to any party for any direct, indirect, special or consequential loss, damage, cost, expense, delay, or inconvenience that is suffered by that party in connection with:
the issue, use of, inability to use, or reliance upon, BC Services;
any fares and fees payable using BC including, without limitation, any Ride Fares;
A BC Account being suspended or terminated for any reason;
any period where any equipment, software, or system is unavailable for processing BC Account transactions;
BC in any other way, even if we have been expressly advised of the possibility of such damages; or
any Ride delays.
Limitation of Liability: BC’s liability under these Terms will not exceed in aggregate the reimbursement of any fees and Ride Fares deducted in error.
Accompanied items and lost property
Customers may take hand luggage and small articles on BC Services vehicles without charge. Any article which is offensive or which may, in the opinion of the driver, cause danger, discomfort or inconvenience to other passengers is not permitted. The driver will not accept property for carriage on a vehicle unless a customer accompanies it. It is at the discretion of the driver as to whether large items (not referred to above) such as golf buggies and shopping jeeps can be carried safely and without causing discomfort or inconvenience to other passengers.
The driver will give reasonable assistance to customers who require it. However, they are not expected to lift any item heavier than 15kg, (i.e. the size of a small suitcase), or which is bulky or difficult to lift, or which presents a risk of injury to the driver.
Guide (and other assistance) dogs may accompany you free of charge at all times on the accessible vehicle. Pets or other animals (other than Guide or other assistance Dogs) may be carried on the BC service subject to driver approval.
Lost or Damaged Personal Items: All personal items (including luggage, sports gear, computers and bicycles) are stowed and carried on the BC services entirely at your own risk. You are solely responsible for these items and the contents thereof. Items left in vehicles whose owner cannot be identified and contacted will be removed from the vehicle and will be stored at the service provider’s depot. Items will be available for collection during office hours. Please contact the service provider’s customer service to confirm the collection. After 24 hours, if not contacted by the passenger, lost property is forwarded to the local police station
You shall not assign or otherwise transfer your rights under these Terms. Any attempt to make such an assignment without BC’s consent shall be void and result in immediate termination of your BC Account without notice.
BC is entitled to assign or otherwise transfer its rights and obligations under these Terms at its own absolute discretion.
Non-waiver: You and BC agree that no failure to exercise and no delay in exercising, any right, power, or privilege hereunder, on the part of either party shall operate as a waiver of any right, power, or privilege. You and BC further agree that no single or partial exercise of any right, power, or privilege under these Terms shall preclude its further exercise. The rights and remedies in these Terms are cumulative with and not exclusive of any rights or remedies provided by law.
Severability: If any part of these Terms is adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or illegal, that judgment shall not affect or nullify the remainder of these Terms, and the effect shall be confined to sever the part immediately involved in the matter adjudged.
Variation: These Terms may be varied by BC at any time and such changes will be notified to you with reasonable notice prior to coming into effect.
Governing Law: These Terms will be governed by, and construed in accordance with, New Zealand law and the courts of New Zealand will have non-exclusive jurisdiction to hear and determine all issues and disputes which may arise under or in relation to BC, Method of Payment or these Terms.
Electronic Communications: You consent to receiving communications from us electronically (other than promotional messages under the Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act 2007, in which case we will obtain your consent to receiving such promotional messages in accordance with that Act) and you agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing. You agree to be bound by any agreement reached through electronic communications in terms of the Electronic Transactions Act 2002.
Entire Agreement: These Terms, together with any other terms produced by us relating to BC incorporated by reference into these Terms, constitute the entire agreement between you and us and supersede all prior communications, representations, agreements or understandings, either verbal or written, between you and us with respect to the subject matter of these Terms.
Force Majeure: BC will not be liable for any non-performance, error, interruption, or delay in the performance of their obligations under these Terms or in the availability or performance of BC Booking System, if this is due (in whole or in part, directly or indirectly) to any event or circumstance which is outside reasonable control of BC, including (without limitation):
flood, lightning, acts of God, fire, earthquakes, and other natural disasters;
judgments, legislations, acts, orders, regulations, bylaws or other measures of any kind on the part of any court, governmental, parliamentary, or regulatory authority;
failure of any electricity or telecommunications service (including the Internet);
failure of any equipment, software, computer hardware, or system required for the operation of the
The system where the maintenance and repair of that item is the responsibility of a third party;
the acts or omissions of any party for whom BC is not responsible.
Notices (which include any written communications or statements) may be:
Sent by email to the email address provided by you on your BC Account;
Sent by text message to the mobile telephone number you notified on your BC Account; or
Given to you by any other way which the law permits
Notices to BC (which includes any written communications or statements maybe):
Sent to: 500 Tairua Road, Whangamata, 3691
Sent via our www.blackcab.co.nz
Contact BC
If you have any questions or concerns in relation to the BC Services, Booking System or these Terms, please contact BC.
Payment Terms and Fares
All payments of the Ride Fare must be made online.
All passengers are required to abide by the BC Services Code of Conduct.
BC may offer promotions with various features and rates. The promotions can only be used with BC Services and are subjected to their stated conditions and expiration date. It is your responsibility to fully understand the rates and conditions for the promotion codes you use.
Any refunds will be processed in accordance with BC Terms of Use.
Cancellation Policy
You may cancel booking if unforeseen circumstances arise prior to the BC vehicle arriving to pick you up. If you repeatedly cancel Rides, BC reserves the right to suspend your BC Account with immediate effect.
“No-show” Policy
A “no-show” is if you and your passengers are not present at the pick-up location and time designated in your Ride Reservation.
If you are not at the pick-up location due to a vehicle arrival delay, BC will not consider it as a “no-show” if the vehicle arrives more than five (5) minutes later than the expected time of arrival for your Ride
If you repeatedly incur “no-shows”, BC reserves the right to suspend your BC Account with immediate effect.
Cleaning and Damage
Additional Cleaning/Damage: You will be responsible for paying for the repair of any damage you cause to an BC vehicle beyond ordinary and reasonable wear and tear, including any reasonable cleaning costs or fees.
You may be responsible for paying any reasonable cleaning costs or fees required as a result of you soiling an BC vehicle.
Eligibility and Conditions of Carriage
Children under five (5) years old must be accompanied by a parent, guardian or other responsible adults who is over the age of 16 and who has paid a full adult Ride Fare (unless a concession applies). The booking for such a Ride must be made by the parent, guardian or responsible adult via his or her BC Account.
Travel with small children: You are responsible for providing and installing a child car seat securely in the rear of the vehicle for each child taking the Ride before the start of the Ride and removing it at the end of the Ride.
Children between five (5) years old and 15 years old may travel unaccompanied. The booking for such a Ride must be made by the parent, guardian or responsible adult via his or her BC Account.
You may not use BC Services if your BC Account has been suspended.
Refusal to carry: The driver of an BC vehicle is entitled to refuse to carry any person or to seek to remove them from the vehicle if:
The person is intoxicated, under the influence of illegal drugs, unhygienic, or behaving in a manner which is dangerous or offensive to the driver or other passengers, or who refuses to obey a reasonable request made by a driver in the circumstances;
The person is in possession of, playing, listening to or viewing material that is offensive to the driver or other passengers;
The person is accompanied by an non-disclosed animal (other than a guide dog or other assistance dog);
The person smokes cigarettes, uses any other electronic smoking device (including a vaping device), drinks alcohol or possesses and uses illegal drugs in the vehicle; and/or
The person is carrying a weapon or any noxious or illegal substance such as fuel containers and/or gas cylinders, explosives, corrosive or similar items in the vehicle.
BC vehicles are not able to service mobility-impaired customers.
The BC brand and logo are trademarks owned by BC. BC has a license to operate the BC Booking System.
License Rights: You are only licenced to use BC Services and acknowledge that there has been no title in the product passed on to you by BC;
You have registered to use BC Services and maintain a current BC Account with BC;
You acknowledge that BC has full right to alter the BC website features or functionality from time to time as it deems appropriate and will publish appropriate release information on the website in relation to such modifications; and
You acknowledge and agree your right to use BC Services may be revoked by the termination of these Terms.
Restrictions of Use: You will not and will not allow any third party to use BC Services (except Children via a Parents account) for any purpose other than to facilitate a Ride.
Other than to the extent of the license granted hereunder, no license, right or interest in any BC Service or any other of BC’s trademarks, service marks or trade names is granted to you under these Terms.
Termination and Suspension
BC may suspend or terminate your BC Account with immediate effect:
if you misuse the BC Services in any way.
if you misuse your BC Account or your BC Account is misused by a third party, including any fraudulent activity; or
if you breach any of these Terms; or
for any other reason at BC’s sole discretion.
If BC suspends your BC Account:
the suspension will remain in force for such period as BC may direct; and
BC may require the payment of a reasonable administration fee and impose such other terms as BC deems necessary or desirable as a condition of reactivation of a suspended BC Account.
BC may terminate your BC Account if BC’s license to operate the BC Website & Booking System is terminated or BC otherwise determines it will cease to provide BC Services.
This agreement between yourself and BC in respect of the use of BC Services may be terminated by you having provided seven (7) days’ notice to BC via the BC Website that you wish to close your BC Account.
Termination or cancellation of these Terms for any reason, does not affect any other rights or remedies available to either you or BC which arose at or before the end of the termination of the agreement.
You indemnify BC against all actions, proceedings, claims, liabilities, penalties, costs (including legal costs on a solicitor and own client basis), awards, damages, losses and expenses arising directly or indirectly as a result of:
you altering, interfering with or tampering with the BC Web Services (or allowing a third party to do so);
you fail to comply with any of these Terms;
you breach these Terms or a third party breaching these Terms using your BC Account and/or your BC Account ID Information; or
your negligent or wilful acts or omissions.
Your liability under these Terms is reduced to the extent that it can be shown that BC has contributed to such loss, damage or liability.
You shall not assign or otherwise transfer your rights under these Terms. Any attempt to make such an assignment without BC’s consent shall be void and result in immediate termination of your BC Account without notice.
BC is entitled to assign or otherwise transfer its rights and obligations under these Terms at its own absolute discretion.
Non-waiver: You and BC agree that no failure to exercise and no delay in exercising, any right, power, or privilege hereunder, on the part of either party shall operate as a waiver of any right, power, or privilege. You and BC further agree that no single or partial exercise of any right, power, or privilege under these Terms shall preclude its further exercise. The rights and remedies in these Terms are cumulative with and not exclusive of any rights or remedies provided by law.
Severability: If any part of these Terms is adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or illegal, that judgment shall not affect or nullify the remainder of these Terms, and the effect shall be confined to sever the part immediately involved in the matter adjudged.
Variation: These Terms may be varied by BC at any time and such changes will be notified to you with reasonable notice prior to coming into effect.
Governing Law: These Terms will be governed by, and construed in accordance with, New Zealand law and the courts of New Zealand will have non-exclusive jurisdiction to hear and determine all issues and disputes which may arise under or in relation to BC Services.
Entire Agreement: These Terms, together with any other terms produced by us relating to BC Services incorporated by reference into these Terms, constitute the entire agreement between you and us and supersede all prior communications, representations, agreements or understandings, either verbal or written, between you and us with respect to the subject matter of these Terms.
Force Majeure: BC will not be liable for any non-performance, error, interruption, or delay in the performance of their obligations under these Terms or in the availability or performance of BC Services, if this is due (in whole or in part, directly or indirectly) to any event or circumstance which is outside reasonable control of BC, including (without limitation):
flood, lightning, acts of God, fire, earthquakes, and other natural disasters;
judgments, legislations, acts, orders, regulations, bylaws or other measures of any kind on the part of any court, governmental, parliamentary, or regulatory authority;
failure of any electricity or telecommunications service (including the Internet);
failure of any equipment, software, computer hardware, or system required for the operation of the
The system where the maintenance and repair of that item is the responsibility of a third party;
the acts or omissions of any party for whom BC is not responsible.
Notices (which include any written communications or statements) may be:
Sent by email to the email address provided by you on your BC Account;
Sent by text message to the mobile telephone number you notified on your BC Account; or
Given to you by any other way which the law permits
Notices to BC (which includes any written communications or statements maybe):
Sent to: 500 Tairua Road, Whangamata
Sent via our website feedback form